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ONE God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) receiving all of the glory as more worshippers from various nations are being brought into His family!

TEN regions of the world being impacted by the gospel of Jesus through multiple collaborative projects and other mission activity by KC-area churches!

We dream of the following vision of Kansas City for the year 2020.

We invite you to dream with us, and pray with us, for this KC 2020 Vision to become a reality. Let’s work together, keeping in step with the Spirit of God, in pursuit of this dream!

ONE HUNDRED churches engaged in the KC Every Language Project, getting the Word of God to people groups that don’t yet have it in their heart language!

ONE THOUSAND missional businesses, churches, groups, and nonprofits, connected by a searchable database and online map display!

TEN THOUSAND followers of Jesus declaring that they are living on mission, near or far!

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND intercessors, praying for God’s Kingdom advancement through a unified Body of Christ, using a digital prayer request system!

ONE MILLION people reading or listening to the Word of God, during regular scripture engagement initiatives!

© 2018 by The Sending Project


KC 2020 Vision is facilitated by
The Sending Project. 

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