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There is a growing desire in Kansas City to unite our “kingdom” prayers and pray in agreement for God's ministry in and through the citywide Church of KC, to impact KC and beyond. God is clearly working to advance prayer ministry!


Imagine the divine power of 100,000+ praying the same scriptural prayer every week for our city—this is our goal. The Missional Prayer Force will have an increased focus on uniting people pray in agreement for God's Kingdom advancement through a more unified and strategically coordinated citywide Church of KC, to impact Kansas City and beyond!


Starting in 2018, for the entire year, Love KC in conjunction with the Missional Prayer Force will publish a weekly scripture-based prayer for Kansas City for us all to pray together. Put the weekly scripture somewhere where you will see it often and start praying—it’s that simple! 


Sign up below for the Missional Prayer Force to receive the weekly scriptural prayer. If you have further questions, fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you.


For more information, please complete the contact form:
Click here to sign up for the Missional Prayer Force.

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© 2018 by The Sending Project


KC 2020 Vision is facilitated by
The Sending Project. 

To receive more information about
KC 2020 Vision or The Sending Project, please complete the form below:

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